![DeLorme XMap North America Topographic Data 2011](https://img.informer.com/images/default_icon/default_128_2.png)
XMap North America Topographic Data provides XMap users with an all-in-one, multi-scale, customizable topographic base map for the entire U.S. on a single DVD.
Includes USGS Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
The integrated DEM allows XMap users to render any map in 3-D and to fly over the terrain using onscreen buttons or keyboard shortcuts. The DEM also enables the profile functionality that provides a cross-sectional view of the terrain along any linear object on the map.
Provides Map Coverage for Mexico and Canada
New in the 2011 version, XMap USA Topographic Data includes routable streets and topography for Canada and major roads in Mexico
Vector-Based Format for Map Customization
Because the XMap North America Topographic Base Data is a vector dataset, the map features can be customized and selected features can be turned on or off as needed